Our Process

Simply complete Schedule 13D1 or Schedule 13G1 and email it to our office for processing.

Complete Schedule 13G Schedule 13D Template Complete Template
Complete the Schedule 13D1 or Schedule 13G1 template.
Send Schedule 13G Schedule 13D Template to Newsfile Send to Newsfile
Submit the completed template to our team via email or the Compliance Management Portal along with your filing instructions.
Review Schedule 13G Schedule 13D proof before it is sent for filing to SEC EDGAR Review Proof
Review the a proof of the Schedule 13G / Schedule 13D in HTML format securely online.
Approve Schedule 13G Schedule 13D filing for submission to SEC EDGAR Approve
Provide your approval to file. Newsfile will submit the Schedule 13G / Schedule 13D to the SEC EDGAR system and provide you with an email acceptance message.

The template files above are word processing files. They will be replaced with spreadsheet templates after December 17, 2024 in response to the SEC's XML mandate. Contact us to receive the spreadsheet templates now and transition to filing these forms in XML in advance.

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About Schedule 13G and Schedule 13D

Sections 13(d) and 13(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, (the "Exchange Act") mandate that beneficial owners of more than 5 percent of certain equity securities file Schedule 13D or Schedule 13G with the SEC EDGAR system. Schedule 13D is a long-form beneficial ownership disclosure statement and is intended for activist investors. Schedule 13G is a short-form version and intended for passive investors, qualified institutional investors, and exempt investors.

Schedule 13D / SCH 13D

An activist beneficial owner must file Schedule 13D within 10 days of acquiring more than 5 percent of certain equity securities. The idea behind the filing is to let investors know that someone has taken a meaningful ownership position. The form will specify what the purpose of the transaction is, and whether or not the beneficial owner may initiate a proxy contest and look to force change.

Schedule 13G / SCH 13G

Beneficial owners defined as Passive Investors, Qualified Institutional Investors, and Exempt Investors pursuant to Rule 13d-1 of the Exchange Act are required to file Schedule 13G for possessing more than 5 percent of certain equity securities.

The due date for filing for the beneficial ownership statement depends on the category of the initial Schedule 13G filer:

Passive Investor 13d-1(c) Within 10 days of the acquisition of more than 5 percent but less than 20 percent.
Qualified Institutional Investor 13d-1(b) Within 45 days of the end of the calendar year in which the beneficial owner acquired more than 5 percent and within 10 days of the end of the calendar month in which the beneficial owner acquired more than 10 percent.
Exempt Investor 13d-1(d) Within 45 days of the end of the calendar year in which the beneficial owner acquired more than 5 percent.

The 45th day after the end of the calendar year corresponds to February 14. Should the due date of a Schedule 13G (or Schedule 13D) fall on a weekend or federal holiday, the filing deadline moves to the next business day.


1 Template provided for your convenience. The SEC may adjust this form from time to time; therefore, Newsfile Corp. makes no assurances regarding the completeness or accuracy of this template. Consult your legal counsel where necessary.


The content of this page is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.