Complex Marital Property Division in South Flordia Divorce \ McKinnon Legal Divorce and Asset Law

Local Leader TV Podcast

Dec 5 2022 • 4 mins

(305) 416-0045

If you are going through a divorce, you may have questions about the distribution of your property. Determining how to equitably distribute assets acquired during your marriage can be complicated. Our South Florida complex property division lawyers are well versed in Florida’s equitable distribution statute and could develop a plan to address your marital assets. Allow our seasoned attorneys to guide you through this legal process.

Equitable Property Distribution in South Florida.

Florida is an equitable distribution state, and judges must divide marital property and debts fairly. While many spouses assume this means a 50/50 split, that is not always the case. In some divorces involving complex property, the division may be close to equal or slightly in favor of one spouse.

Analyzing these factors will help a judge determine how to allocate the couple’s assets. A practiced equitable distribution attorney could explain how a court might apply these factors in a case involving complex assets.

What Makes Asset Division in a Divorce Complex?

Complex property typically includes assets that are difficult to value, commingled with other premarital or non-marital property, or are not easily divisible between the spouses. Particular care must be taken when managing these assets in a divorce.

Retirement Plans.

Real Estate Holdings.

Stock Options.

Business Interests.

Contact a South Florida Complex Property Division Attorney Today!

Going through a divorce is difficult, and it can be even more so when complex property such as businesses or professional licenses are at stake. Proper asset valuation, stricter tax consequences, and the division of complicated business interests are some of the unique considerations a divorcing couple faces when they hold complex assets.

If you and your spouse own significant assets, consider retaining an experienced South Florida complex property division lawyer who understands the unique challenges that can arise in these cases. A respected member of our legal team could work with you to determine the value of your marital estate and negotiate an equitable distribution of property. Call McKinnon legal today: (305) 416-0045
