Todd Scattini’s Post [Video]

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Driven Veteran, Diplomat | Making Positive Change in the World | Seeking New Challenges and Opportunities

Over the last few days, Harvest 360 Technologies attended the Emerging Industry Professionals #CannaTech Expo in Atlantic City, NJ! We were joined by Jennifer Germano of ICS Consulting and Blue Diamond Ventures Inc (BLDV) CEO Yale Peebles. We officially launched our #NextGen by GrowGeneration Corp micro-cultivation accelerator and got to meet the five teams in the inaugural cohort. And we were fortunate to have Grow Generation’s expert cultivator, Josh A. join, as well. We aim to level the playing field for these applicants by providing education through Oaksterdam University, access to the industry through Harvest 360 Technologies, and design, equipping, and options for financing their micro- facilities. As we have at most every EIP event since 2019, Harvest 360 sponsored and coordinated a #socialequity panel and a #veterans panel. We’ve been able to watch the cannabis market unfold through these two lenses in states across the country and it has informed our approach and continued strategy. Thanks to my incredible panelists! Social Equity Panel: Edmund DeVeaux, President New Jersey CannaBusiness Association Miguel Willis, Innovation Chair, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School Amanda Terpstra, Best Büds Veterans Panel: Scott Rudder (US Army), Founder New Jersey CannaBusiness Association Josh A. (US Army), New Market Dev, GrowGeneration Corp Check out the video for a feel of a cannabis trade show and what providing access to the industry looks like. #cannabis #innovation #education #leadership

It was an amazing event! I was so excited to meet Todd Scattini and Josh in person finally. I want to say to all the other participants Good Luck on the journey to the cannabis business! Thank you Todd and Josh for all your knowledge you shared!

Tony Gallo

Managing Partner at Sapphire Risk Advisory Group


I love what you do for this industry

Edmund DeVeaux

President, New Jersey CannaBusiness Association & Executive Vice President Burton Trent Public Affairs


My brother! What an amazing way to capture the moments! Thank you for sharing and bringing tremendous energy to AC! Can't wait to go down range with you again!

Amanda Terpstra

BestBüds Co-Founder & CEO / Cannabis Entrepreneur, Advocate and Coach


It was so great to finally meet the amazing Todd Scattini in person! Your story and #passion for the #cannabis industry is helping so many of us. Thank you and Harvest360 for supporting BestBüds through our #journey. We can't wait for all of the great things to come!

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