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GMCoin is the first company to establish a vast and practical token model based on #DeBu #Decentralized #Businesses developed on the whole #cryptocurrency network. It is the First Tokenized Company in the World with its Tron Blockchain based $GMCoin ecosystem. Since more developers and token issuers are focusing on #DeFi #GameFi and #NFT, $GMCoin focuses on tokenization of #business #processes and #frameworks and demonstrating this #DeBu ecosystem in "GM Informatics Joint Stock Company"
Furthermore, $GMCoin sponsors the Turkish Handball Super League giant “Beşiktaş Handball Team” and many Fifa21 Playstation 4 and Xbox ProClubs Leagues like, Portugal GMC ProLiga, Romania Liga 1 as well as VPL’s ProClubs WorldCup events and Championship Leagues.

    • 0.186606

      $ 0.00000000
    • +1.94 %

      24h Change
    • 0.187747

      24h High
    • 0.177897

      24h Low
    • 112.897K(--)

      24h Volume
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