Martin Rowinski

Martin Rowinski

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
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Martin Rowinski is a visionary leader in the global technology landscape, boasting 25…

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  • How to Craft a Standout Executive Brand

    Inc. Mgazine

    In the modern business arena, where competition is fierce and differentiation is key, executive branding emerges as a crucial strategy for leaders aiming to elevate their influence and drive their company's success forward. Executive branding is not just about enhancing personal visibility; it's about shaping perceptions, establishing authority in your industry, and ultimately, propelling your business vision. Cultivating a distinctive executive brand is imperative and here's how to achieve it…

    In the modern business arena, where competition is fierce and differentiation is key, executive branding emerges as a crucial strategy for leaders aiming to elevate their influence and drive their company's success forward. Executive branding is not just about enhancing personal visibility; it's about shaping perceptions, establishing authority in your industry, and ultimately, propelling your business vision. Cultivating a distinctive executive brand is imperative and here's how to achieve it through strategic initiatives.

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  • How to Craft a Winning Advisory Board Magazine

    Leverage expert insights to elevate your business vision
    In the entrepreneurial journey, the tunnel vision of managing day-to-day operations can often obscure broader perspectives and innovative thinking. Seeking external counsel becomes not just beneficial but necessary, to transcend the company's current limitations. A board of advisors offers a structured way to harness this wisdom, helping you propel your business toward its aspirational goals. When thoughtfully assembled, this advisory…

    Leverage expert insights to elevate your business vision
    In the entrepreneurial journey, the tunnel vision of managing day-to-day operations can often obscure broader perspectives and innovative thinking. Seeking external counsel becomes not just beneficial but necessary, to transcend the company's current limitations. A board of advisors offers a structured way to harness this wisdom, helping you propel your business toward its aspirational goals. When thoughtfully assembled, this advisory board becomes instrumental in helping you confidently navigate your company through uncharted territories.

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  • The Power of Strategic Alliances in the Boardroom

    Inc. Magazine

    Boardrooms are no longer isolated decision-making silos. They are developing into vibrant centers of strategic alliances, which are essential to an organization's resilience and success. Here is the game-changing potential of strategic boardroom alliances, along with pointers for how boards can take advantage of them.

    Redefine board dynamics with strategic alliances
    Today's boards recognize that strategic partnerships enhance their influence, broaden their perspectives, and ignite…

    Boardrooms are no longer isolated decision-making silos. They are developing into vibrant centers of strategic alliances, which are essential to an organization's resilience and success. Here is the game-changing potential of strategic boardroom alliances, along with pointers for how boards can take advantage of them.

    Redefine board dynamics with strategic alliances
    Today's boards recognize that strategic partnerships enhance their influence, broaden their perspectives, and ignite innovation. These alliances are more than mere transactions; they are symbiotic relationships that foster growth and sustainability.

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  • Strengthen Boardroom Dynamics in Uncertain Times

    Inc. Magazine

    Boardrooms are crucial for guiding their organizations through the turbulent waters of the current business landscape, characterized by rapid change and uncertainty. In this setting, board members' ability to function well as a cohesive unit under duress is just as important as their individual qualifications and experience.

    Here are nine tips for members to master working effectively as one board.

    Adapt to change: Agile teams that can quickly adjust to changes in the market, in…

    Boardrooms are crucial for guiding their organizations through the turbulent waters of the current business landscape, characterized by rapid change and uncertainty. In this setting, board members' ability to function well as a cohesive unit under duress is just as important as their individual qualifications and experience.

    Here are nine tips for members to master working effectively as one board.

    Adapt to change: Agile teams that can quickly adjust to changes in the market, in technology, and in regulations are essential for success in boardroom settings. This calls for in-depth sector knowledge as well as the capacity to predict and prepare for emerging trends.

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  • How to Build High-Performing Teams in the Boardroom

    Inc. Magazine

    In the fast-paced boardroom, where fateful decisions are made, it is crucial to have the input and knowledge of seasoned executives and board members. The importance of developing effective boardroom teams in today's frantic business climate cannot be overstated. True success depends on more than just including talented individuals; it also requires nurturing a collaborative culture and maximizing the talents of everyone present. This article will discuss methods that can help senior executives…

    In the fast-paced boardroom, where fateful decisions are made, it is crucial to have the input and knowledge of seasoned executives and board members. The importance of developing effective boardroom teams in today's frantic business climate cannot be overstated. True success depends on more than just including talented individuals; it also requires nurturing a collaborative culture and maximizing the talents of everyone present. This article will discuss methods that can help senior executives and seasoned board members create high-functioning teams that propel organizations forward.

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  • The CEO's Guide to Cultivating a Thriving Work Culture

    Inc. Magazine

    The responsibilities of a chief executive officer (CEO) encompass more than mere executive decision making and revenue generation. In the contemporary business environment, CEOs assume the pivotal role of upholding and disseminating organizational culture. These leaders possess the capacity to exert influence, mold, and fundamentally alter their company's internal culture.

    Given the increasing concerns around employee burnout and talent retention, it is imperative for CEOs to assume…

    The responsibilities of a chief executive officer (CEO) encompass more than mere executive decision making and revenue generation. In the contemporary business environment, CEOs assume the pivotal role of upholding and disseminating organizational culture. These leaders possess the capacity to exert influence, mold, and fundamentally alter their company's internal culture.

    Given the increasing concerns around employee burnout and talent retention, it is imperative for CEOs to assume greater accountability in cultivating a work culture characterized by positivity, productivity, and sustainability. I like to say that in the modern business landscape, a company's culture isn't just an aspect of the workplace--it's the heartbeat that determines its success or failure.

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  • 5 Ways to Navigate the Dual Realities of Modern Business


    The quantum leadership paradigm provides lessons for leaders in business, not just in physics. In physics, the theory of quantum mechanics has fundamentally altered our comprehension of the universe by demonstrating that particles can coexist in multiple distinct states at the same time. Leaders must also embrace this duality to succeed in today's fast-paced and constantly changing business scene. The quantum leadership paradigm explores five ways to do this .

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  • 5 Leadership Insights for Thriving in Uncertainty

    Inc. Magazine

    At this time in history, the only constant is change, making leadership more essential than ever. The seismic shift occurring in the business landscape comes with both new challenges and new opportunities. Our job as leaders is to find a safe path forward for our teams, even if it means navigating unfamiliar territory. Here are some of the best methods for not only surviving but thriving in the face of such unpredictability.

    1. Embrace change as a catalyst for growth
    Even though we…

    At this time in history, the only constant is change, making leadership more essential than ever. The seismic shift occurring in the business landscape comes with both new challenges and new opportunities. Our job as leaders is to find a safe path forward for our teams, even if it means navigating unfamiliar territory. Here are some of the best methods for not only surviving but thriving in the face of such unpredictability.

    1. Embrace change as a catalyst for growth
    Even though we may fight against it at first, we should always see change as a chance to improve. All good leaders know that adaptability is essential to success. Do not be afraid of change; instead, use it to inspire creativity and progress. Establish an environment where taking risks is celebrated and mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. You can help your team adapt to changing conditions by encouraging a growth mindset.

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  • The Power of DEI in the Boardroom

    Inc. Magazine

    Why diversity, equity, and inclusion is imperative for boardroom success. It is impossible to place enough emphasis on the significance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the boardroom, in light of the rapid transformations taking place in the business world. Boards that adhere to DEI principles have better access to a wider variety of perspectives, a higher rate of innovation, and a more effective decision-making process.

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  • 8 Strategies for Developing a Strong Personal Brand


    As an entrepreneur, you can use your personal brand to your advantage in several ways. It's an expression of your values, personality and unique selling proposition (USP) that can help you stand out from the competition. In the digital age we live in now, it's important to have a strong personal brand if you want to be successful in business and stay relevant in a crowded market.

    According to studies, a person's personal brand can significantly impact both the reputation of their…

    As an entrepreneur, you can use your personal brand to your advantage in several ways. It's an expression of your values, personality and unique selling proposition (USP) that can help you stand out from the competition. In the digital age we live in now, it's important to have a strong personal brand if you want to be successful in business and stay relevant in a crowded market.

    According to studies, a person's personal brand can significantly impact both the reputation of their employer and their career success. For example:

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  • Don't Let Your Organization Become Stagnant — Learn How to Innovate with These 5 Tips


    What do you think of when you hear the word "stagnation?" I always imagine stagnant water, not moving or flowing, but simply sitting there, rotting and attracting bacteria and flies. Stagnation is a dangerous state for water because water is meant to keep moving for life to flourish.

    The same could be said for any individual or organization. What happens to a person when they stop moving, growing to their full potential and innovating for the betterment of themselves and society? The…

    What do you think of when you hear the word "stagnation?" I always imagine stagnant water, not moving or flowing, but simply sitting there, rotting and attracting bacteria and flies. Stagnation is a dangerous state for water because water is meant to keep moving for life to flourish.

    The same could be said for any individual or organization. What happens to a person when they stop moving, growing to their full potential and innovating for the betterment of themselves and society? The same thing happens when a company stops growing and innovating — they become vulnerable to being left behind while others keep moving. Competitors step in to do better, while stagnant companies struggle to remain relevant and successful. For a company to flourish, leaders need to keep their people innovating.

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  • If You Want to Be a Good Leader, Understand The Link Between Business Values and Leadership


    Let's look at two different lessons about leadership and corporate values:

    In 1982, Johnson and Johnson (J&J) discovered that someone had contaminated their Tylenol Extra Strength capsules in at least half a dozen Chicago pharmacies and grocery stores. Because of their corporate values committed to public safety, J&J leadership responded immediately: warned customers to stop consuming it, halted advertising and removed all Tylenol from store shelves until they could determine the extent…

    Let's look at two different lessons about leadership and corporate values:

    In 1982, Johnson and Johnson (J&J) discovered that someone had contaminated their Tylenol Extra Strength capsules in at least half a dozen Chicago pharmacies and grocery stores. Because of their corporate values committed to public safety, J&J leadership responded immediately: warned customers to stop consuming it, halted advertising and removed all Tylenol from store shelves until they could determine the extent of the tampering.

    In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig platform exploded, and its owner, British Petroleum (BP), realized it had a leak. Company officials first reported the leak volume was low, but when the rig sunk days later and eleven workers died, investigations into BP's practices found they took shortcuts, cut corners and ignored early warning signs. Its leadership was dishonest from the get-go, and to recover, the company had to revisit and update its corporate values.

    Business values are the guiding principles that shape an organization's culture and inform its decisions and actions. Good leadership, in turn, is essential for aligning an organization's actions with its values and creating a positive and productive culture.

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  • Are You Tired of Losing Valuable Employees? Here's How to Train and Build Leaders From Within Your Team


    Losing good people is expensive. In 2017, Gallup estimated replacing one employee to cost anywhere from half to double that person's annual salary. That translates to between $660,000 to $2.6 million per year for a 100-person organization with an average salary of $50,000.

    That costly burden makes it even harder to survive in a competitive labor market, and today's market is more competitive than ever. According to a 2020 study by Crayon, a market and competitive intelligence tools…

    Losing good people is expensive. In 2017, Gallup estimated replacing one employee to cost anywhere from half to double that person's annual salary. That translates to between $660,000 to $2.6 million per year for a 100-person organization with an average salary of $50,000.

    That costly burden makes it even harder to survive in a competitive labor market, and today's market is more competitive than ever. According to a 2020 study by Crayon, a market and competitive intelligence tools supplier, 90% of businesses surveyed feel the market has become more competitive; 48% of respondents said it had become "much more" competitive. Add in an exhausted workforce and fears of recession, and most companies today would struggle to survive the loss of good people.

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  • Unlocking the Power of Creative Thinking in the Boardroom


    Companies are always looking for new ways to stay ahead of the competition in today’s business world, which is very competitive. One way to achieve this is through creative thinking in the boardroom. Unlocking the power of creative thinking can help companies come up with new ideas, products, and services that can give them an edge in the marketplace.

    Here are some ways to unlock the power of creative thinking in the boardroom:

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  • What makes a good mentor?


    There’s a reason 100 percent of Fortune 50 companies have mentorship programs. Successful companies know mentorship programs do more than benefit the individual participants; mentorship relationships work to deepen and strengthen individual contributions to the company.

    A mentor is a trusted advisor who guides mentees in their personal and professional lives. They play a key role in the development and growth of emerging leaders. True mentorship within a company is a sound business…

    There’s a reason 100 percent of Fortune 50 companies have mentorship programs. Successful companies know mentorship programs do more than benefit the individual participants; mentorship relationships work to deepen and strengthen individual contributions to the company.

    A mentor is a trusted advisor who guides mentees in their personal and professional lives. They play a key role in the development and growth of emerging leaders. True mentorship within a company is a sound business investment and mutually beneficial to both parties.

    Here’s how leaders can identify and nurture potential mentors in their teams.

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  • The Importance Of True Leadership As We Face Recession


    In the face of any crisis, true leadership is essential to stabilize an organization and maintain the morale of the people who keep it running.

    A pandemic, labor shortages, broken supply chains and inflation on the rise—the past few years have carried us from crisis to crisis. This chain of events has rocked our foundation. Now, just as we start to feel back on somewhat solid ground, we face the potential of a recession.

    Challenging times call for true leadership to stabilize an…

    In the face of any crisis, true leadership is essential to stabilize an organization and maintain the morale of the people who keep it running.

    A pandemic, labor shortages, broken supply chains and inflation on the rise—the past few years have carried us from crisis to crisis. This chain of events has rocked our foundation. Now, just as we start to feel back on somewhat solid ground, we face the potential of a recession.

    Challenging times call for true leadership to stabilize an organization and maintain the morale of the people who work to keep it going. True leaders step up and help their teams navigate difficult times so they can emerge even stronger. When facing a recession, that leadership is more important than ever.

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  • Diversity Is Not the Same to Everyone. Here's Why That Matters


    I know I'm not the typical picture of diversity. However, growing up in communist Poland offered me a unique approach to problems and solutions that most businesspeople I meet today never consider. Diversity of thought — combining our differences to cover as many diverse perspectives as possible in our decision-making — is where companies find the most benefits.

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  • How immigrants can turn their challenges into business strengths


    In my experience as an immigrant and founder, I can confidently say it takes double the work to get there, but immigrants looking to succeed in the U.S. can still build their American Dream. Instead of hiding your differences or trying to fit in, you can (and should) start embracing your diversity as a strength in business.

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  • Working Harder And Smarter During Tough Times


    The pandemic, supply chain crises, a possible recession—you might think we’re passing through particularly difficult times, but we’ve passed through difficult times before. At any point, a major event could hit and throw your life and business out of whack. When this happens, you can’t just drop everything and give up. Leaders have no choice but to keep working through challenges if they want to succeed. The stronger you remain, the better you’ll come out of it.

    In our current climate of…

    The pandemic, supply chain crises, a possible recession—you might think we’re passing through particularly difficult times, but we’ve passed through difficult times before. At any point, a major event could hit and throw your life and business out of whack. When this happens, you can’t just drop everything and give up. Leaders have no choice but to keep working through challenges if they want to succeed. The stronger you remain, the better you’ll come out of it.

    In our current climate of uncertainty and oncoming challenges, my advice is always the same: Even when work gets hard, work harder.

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  • Creative Work Is Best Done As A Team


    I am a firm believer in not doing everything myself. After 25 years at the C-level, there have been many times when I ended up taking on tasks on my own, but it's often more of a struggle to operate that way. I prefer to tackle creative work with the help of a supportive and diverse-minded team.

    In a world where competition has increasingly become a game of generating the best and most ideas, the best creative work is often done in teams. Therefore, I encourage leaders to drive greater…

    I am a firm believer in not doing everything myself. After 25 years at the C-level, there have been many times when I ended up taking on tasks on my own, but it's often more of a struggle to operate that way. I prefer to tackle creative work with the help of a supportive and diverse-minded team.

    In a world where competition has increasingly become a game of generating the best and most ideas, the best creative work is often done in teams. Therefore, I encourage leaders to drive greater creativity and innovation by encouraging teamwork at all company levels.

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  • Being A CEO Requires Creativity: Three Tips For Building A Creative Environment


    These days, it seems we find a new crisis around every corner. The pandemic, broken supply chains and, now as we approach 2023, some experts are predicting an oncoming recession. But on the opposite side of uncertainty is innovation and the foundation of every disruptive decision. Leaders who can be creative, adaptable and open-minded in the face of uncertainty will be the ones who take advantage of those opportunities.

    While today’s CEOs highly benefit from creativity, that doesn’t mean…

    These days, it seems we find a new crisis around every corner. The pandemic, broken supply chains and, now as we approach 2023, some experts are predicting an oncoming recession. But on the opposite side of uncertainty is innovation and the foundation of every disruptive decision. Leaders who can be creative, adaptable and open-minded in the face of uncertainty will be the ones who take advantage of those opportunities.

    While today’s CEOs highly benefit from creativity, that doesn’t mean only creative CEOs can be successful in an uncertain climate. Anyone with a foundation for great leadership—meaning they're organized, dedicated and open-minded—can surround themselves with creative counterparts to pass ideas by. This allows the less-creative executive the opportunity to build the environment they need to innovate and stay competitive, even during times of uncertainty.

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  • Three Ways To Check More Than Just Boxes When Adding Diversity to Your Organization


    People talk a lot about diversity — sometimes so much that I wonder if we still remember why. When leaders assemble diverse teams, the conflicting understandings of normalcy can lead to some friction — but as long as people are open-minded to the idea that their normal is not the only possibility, that friction can yield great results. A multifaceted, multicultural team can deliver some very unique and creative solutions in the workplace.

    But when leaders hire people for their diversity…

    People talk a lot about diversity — sometimes so much that I wonder if we still remember why. When leaders assemble diverse teams, the conflicting understandings of normalcy can lead to some friction — but as long as people are open-minded to the idea that their normal is not the only possibility, that friction can yield great results. A multifaceted, multicultural team can deliver some very unique and creative solutions in the workplace.

    But when leaders hire people for their diversity simply to meet some standards of compliance, they might end up with more than just healthy friction. Unless these hires understand the benefits of bringing together diverse minds for more creative innovation, they may also bring conflict into a team.

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  • Leader v. manager: How managing a company is different from leading a board


    In the corporate world, when we finally make it to CEO, we become company leaders. This is not a position many people know firsthand—if Zippia’s estimate of over 38,708 chief executive officers in the U.S. is correct, that means CEOs make up just 0.0001% of the country’s population. C-Suite executives and vice presidents also experience the feeling of knowing what it takes to be a leader, but not all leadership is alike.

    Getting a seat on a company board might feel like sitting at the…

    In the corporate world, when we finally make it to CEO, we become company leaders. This is not a position many people know firsthand—if Zippia’s estimate of over 38,708 chief executive officers in the U.S. is correct, that means CEOs make up just 0.0001% of the country’s population. C-Suite executives and vice presidents also experience the feeling of knowing what it takes to be a leader, but not all leadership is alike.

    Getting a seat on a company board might feel like sitting at the top of the food chain, and as leaders of our companies, we might all assume we know how to take the lead on a board. But running a board is not like running a company. All board members—especially CEOs, for whom roles most often cross—should recognize the difference between the leadership it takes to manage a company and lead a board.

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  • How To Drive Your Board To Be As Effective As Possible


    Even during the best of times, the future is always uncertain. That’s even more apparent right after several recent periods of disruption: pandemics, recessions and supply chain issues. In the past, boards and board formation may not have meant much to company leadership, but today, a well-designed board with the right collection of skills and experience can get a company through a crisis and significantly impact its success.

    Additionally, engagement in the workplace has never been more…

    Even during the best of times, the future is always uncertain. That’s even more apparent right after several recent periods of disruption: pandemics, recessions and supply chain issues. In the past, boards and board formation may not have meant much to company leadership, but today, a well-designed board with the right collection of skills and experience can get a company through a crisis and significantly impact its success.

    Additionally, engagement in the workplace has never been more urgent, and this is just as true for boards. More-engaged teams are more resilient and able to withstand bigger challenges. A Gallup meta-analysis found the most-engaged teams were 21% more productive than the least-engaged ones. Diversity—in race, gender, age and socioeconomic background—benefits any team, including a board, but engagement is what makes those diverse board members the most effective.

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  • Luminary Leadership: How Top Entrepreneurs Lead in Business and in Life

    Leaders Press

    Luminary leaders: they have no set title, adhere to no singular creed, and yet…you can always recognize them by instinct, by the sheer weight of their presence. Who are these leaders, and more importantly, how did they come to acquire their skillsets? Luminary Leadership seeks to answer just that question!

    Comprising an award-winning collection of authors, speakers, business owners, and entrepreneurs, Luminary Leadership is a comprehensive roadmap to discovering and mastering your own…

    Luminary leaders: they have no set title, adhere to no singular creed, and yet…you can always recognize them by instinct, by the sheer weight of their presence. Who are these leaders, and more importantly, how did they come to acquire their skillsets? Luminary Leadership seeks to answer just that question!

    Comprising an award-winning collection of authors, speakers, business owners, and entrepreneurs, Luminary Leadership is a comprehensive roadmap to discovering and mastering your own leadership characteristics. Weaving a rich tapestry of personal narratives, business insight and hard-gained wisdom, each of the authors in this anthology draws on their extensive and varied career experience to illuminate a pathway through the dark, towards the blinding lights of your own successful future.

    Keep reading to discover:
    The core components of leadership in the context of global pandemics, supply chain shortages, war, and a declining global economy
    How to incorporate various communication styles, software upgrades and sales strategies into your existing business structure
    Why the concept of leadership has changed for good, and what role that will have to play in shaping the next generation of high-functioning professionals
    Real life case studies that highlight the efficacy of leveraging your own leadership talents and investing in back into your team
    How best to optimize the daily operations of your business, offering you the freedom and flexibility to chase down the next big innovation
    The key questions you should be asking of yourself if you want to maximize your leadership potential for the greatest impact

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  • How to Best Recruit Board Members Outside of Your Industry


    Few individuals are experts in everything. Even the cumulative expertise in most businesses could use input from more experts in diverse areas. This is why we have boards — a panel of experts in areas that fill in the gaps in our existing company knowledge base.

    But even once we find the right group of experts from our industry to take a seat on our board, we would still stand to benefit from the wisdom of more diverse perspectives and experiences. Their range of successes and failures…

    Few individuals are experts in everything. Even the cumulative expertise in most businesses could use input from more experts in diverse areas. This is why we have boards — a panel of experts in areas that fill in the gaps in our existing company knowledge base.

    But even once we find the right group of experts from our industry to take a seat on our board, we would still stand to benefit from the wisdom of more diverse perspectives and experiences. Their range of successes and failures becomes additional resources to put together more tried and tested strategies in the face of new challenges.

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  • How A Diverse Board Can Help Your Company


    Diversity is more than a buzzword. Back in 2015, McKinsey & Company called it “a competitive differentiator that shifts market share toward more diverse companies over time.” McKinsey’s research also found that companies scoring the highest for racial, ethnic and gender diversity are more likely to have financial returns above national industry medians.

    There are benefits to age diversity as well, including increased productivity and reduced employee turnover, both of which can affect a…

    Diversity is more than a buzzword. Back in 2015, McKinsey & Company called it “a competitive differentiator that shifts market share toward more diverse companies over time.” McKinsey’s research also found that companies scoring the highest for racial, ethnic and gender diversity are more likely to have financial returns above national industry medians.

    There are benefits to age diversity as well, including increased productivity and reduced employee turnover, both of which can affect a company’s bottom line. Even socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, mindset and cultural background are ranges of diversity that can arm any team, including a company board, with a competitive advantage.

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  • How Board Members Can Help You Through a Recession


    First COVID-19. Then, health mandates. Add in choked-up supply chains, the Russia-Ukraine war, rising prices, interest rates, and inflation. Economists are starting to unite around the prediction — a recession is inevitable.

    No one has a crystal ball, and the future seems more uncertain than ever, but if we break these problems down (e.g., pandemics, war, and rising food and fuel prices leading to a recession), we realize that many of us have lived through similar challenges before…

    First COVID-19. Then, health mandates. Add in choked-up supply chains, the Russia-Ukraine war, rising prices, interest rates, and inflation. Economists are starting to unite around the prediction — a recession is inevitable.

    No one has a crystal ball, and the future seems more uncertain than ever, but if we break these problems down (e.g., pandemics, war, and rising food and fuel prices leading to a recession), we realize that many of us have lived through similar challenges before. Either we made it out on the other side alive and thriving, or we made mistakes and learned what not to do. These insights are valuable for getting through this next round of uncertainty.

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  • My mentor’s mentor: How to ensure you are choosing board advisors you can trust


    The goal of a board is to mentor a company, guide its decisions, and provide advice on best practices. However, most companies don’t consider the benefits that come from mentorship: Greater awareness of new ways of thinking, a challenge to our limiting assumptions, and the sharing of valuable life lessons we have yet to gain. What better way to tap into the skills and expertise board members bring than to connect them with people in the same company looking for mentorship?

    A company’s…

    The goal of a board is to mentor a company, guide its decisions, and provide advice on best practices. However, most companies don’t consider the benefits that come from mentorship: Greater awareness of new ways of thinking, a challenge to our limiting assumptions, and the sharing of valuable life lessons we have yet to gain. What better way to tap into the skills and expertise board members bring than to connect them with people in the same company looking for mentorship?

    A company’s leaders and employees can both benefit from the insights and experience of its board members. Board members often offer this mentorship to new members joining their ranks. By tapping into that service to provide broad company mentorship—especially to executives looking to advance their experience—a company can boost its overall expertise and chances of success.

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  • Startups And Boards: How To Accelerate Your Growth


    Going into a startup, founders have a lot to worry about. Startups have an incredibly high failure rate—a whopping 90%—because of the unique and vast range of challenges their founders face. Founders may not have many solutions to get through those obstacles and often end up learning the harder (and more painful) way to do things, especially when they are going at it for the first time.

    It can be challenging for startups to prioritize which fire to address first, the next best steps to…

    Going into a startup, founders have a lot to worry about. Startups have an incredibly high failure rate—a whopping 90%—because of the unique and vast range of challenges their founders face. Founders may not have many solutions to get through those obstacles and often end up learning the harder (and more painful) way to do things, especially when they are going at it for the first time.

    It can be challenging for startups to prioritize which fire to address first, the next best steps to take or how to make decisions based on experience without that experience to work with. This challenge is the reason establishing a board should be at the top of that priority list. When startups prioritize founding a board with both inside and outside members, they increase their chances of success.

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  • Finding the Right Board Members for Your Company is Crucial to Success. Here's How to Do it.


    Once upon a time, a new startup rushed through the process of bringing board members into their company. Its leaders were young and inexperienced. They went through the process without third-party guidance or a deep dive interview with candidates. They met smooth-talking members looking to be partners and were sold on something grand, but what the candidates delivered was the total opposite.

    The partners' experience was less than they let on. Their mission, vision and values were out of…

    Once upon a time, a new startup rushed through the process of bringing board members into their company. Its leaders were young and inexperienced. They went through the process without third-party guidance or a deep dive interview with candidates. They met smooth-talking members looking to be partners and were sold on something grand, but what the candidates delivered was the total opposite.

    The partners' experience was less than they let on. Their mission, vision and values were out of alignment with those of the existing members. Things quickly started to fall apart and the startup founders suffered through years of pain before the company eventually dissolved.

    I've heard this story many times in my job guiding board formation. So many leaders lament that fewer mistakes would have been made if they had just had connections to more of the right people who matched up with their company's core values, ambitions and guidance to vet those candidates.

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  • Cultivating executive talent in yourself and your team


    I believe executive talent is the most important aspect to look for when hiring or promoting leaders. A company’s leadership affects an entire organization and can either motivate teammates and provide them with purpose and direction or cause them to leave. Having a leadership team full of people with executive talent can help bring your company to new heights, but only if you nurture that talent in both yourself and in others.


    Not everyone may know…

    I believe executive talent is the most important aspect to look for when hiring or promoting leaders. A company’s leadership affects an entire organization and can either motivate teammates and provide them with purpose and direction or cause them to leave. Having a leadership team full of people with executive talent can help bring your company to new heights, but only if you nurture that talent in both yourself and in others.


    Not everyone may know executive talent when they see it, but there are some common traits that anyone can easily identify. I believe good executives have no ego. They understand the value of constant learning and always seek out new ways for continuous improvement. Someone with too big of an ego may be unable to realize what it takes to be a great mentor or be mentored. If they think they know everything, they leave no room for others to teach them. And if they view teaching as a waste of time, they’re unlikely to offer their guidance to others. A culture of teaching and mentoring within a company can create an environment that nourishes executive skills and leadership, which is the key to exploiting that talent on a team.

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  • How Outside Board Members Can Shift Your Company


    CEOs and founders need to be very good at what they do to succeed, but no one alone can be an expert in every subject, nor in every area of a company. With the combined insights of a carefully curated board, however, maybe we can. A board offers additional perspectives and the wisdom of having gone through diverse experiences of success and failure. When done right, a board drives a company’s growth and innovation with tried and tested strategies, and it guides better, more holistic decision…

    CEOs and founders need to be very good at what they do to succeed, but no one alone can be an expert in every subject, nor in every area of a company. With the combined insights of a carefully curated board, however, maybe we can. A board offers additional perspectives and the wisdom of having gone through diverse experiences of success and failure. When done right, a board drives a company’s growth and innovation with tried and tested strategies, and it guides better, more holistic decision making.

    While some of a company’s leadership might be well-suited to sit on its board, looking within to fill all board positions will severely limit its potential. Outside board members can help the company’s leadership see objectives and obstacles from different angles and paint a more complete picture.

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  • The Time for Outside Board Members is Now


    Outside board members have always been a necessity, but today they are more important than ever. When a company can turn to a board with a broad diversity of insights and with members from outside the company, they receive guidance that can be the advantage they need to survive tough times. Nowadays, it seems like times are only getting tougher.

    As problems increasingly have global repercussions, every decision we make could make or break a business. Outside board insights have always…

    Outside board members have always been a necessity, but today they are more important than ever. When a company can turn to a board with a broad diversity of insights and with members from outside the company, they receive guidance that can be the advantage they need to survive tough times. Nowadays, it seems like times are only getting tougher.

    As problems increasingly have global repercussions, every decision we make could make or break a business. Outside board insights have always been a necessary consideration for staying agile and strengthening decision-making power, but now, those insights are becoming indispensable. To be more in an uncertain future, bring on outside board members for a broader selection of expertise to fill a company's gaps and the best chance of coming through anything on top.

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  • Four Strategies For Your Board To Expedite Company Growth


    Most organizations have a board of directors to provide governance, but an advisory board is optional and members have less liability, so they can more readily offer advice. These boards serve different purposes, but both can also propel a company to success. A well-curated board of experienced members can fill in all of the areas where your company needs expertise. When properly chosen, a board can drive more growth.

    Ask board members to take an active role in maximizing…

    Most organizations have a board of directors to provide governance, but an advisory board is optional and members have less liability, so they can more readily offer advice. These boards serve different purposes, but both can also propel a company to success. A well-curated board of experienced members can fill in all of the areas where your company needs expertise. When properly chosen, a board can drive more growth.

    Ask board members to take an active role in maximizing innovation.

    No matter the field, innovation is king. But with the speed of technology today, boards can (and advisory boards should) step in to actively help a company keep up with the times and stay on top of an industry. Members experienced in technology can help stay current with new products and implement relevant add-ons where they can improve processes and allow the company to scale. Beyond technology, board members can implement innovative business models and strategies. Innovation large and small can contribute to a company’s advantage, so think of including expertise in relevant areas—like shipping, logistics or automation—on your board.

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  • Your personal brand for your board opportunity


    When companies look for board members, they look for leaders with the right experience, education, and qualifications. And since board diversity drives stronger company performance, board member hopefuls should take care to highlight any applicable areas of diversity—like gender, ethnicity, experience levels, or economic background, for example. But otherwise, how do people get noticed and recruited by boards?

    The bow that ties together how you present and sell your experience…

    When companies look for board members, they look for leaders with the right experience, education, and qualifications. And since board diversity drives stronger company performance, board member hopefuls should take care to highlight any applicable areas of diversity—like gender, ethnicity, experience levels, or economic background, for example. But otherwise, how do people get noticed and recruited by boards?

    The bow that ties together how you present and sell your experience, diversity, and leadership skills is your personal brand—an essential asset to becoming a board member today.

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  • How Your Board Should Guide Your Hiring Practices


    For a company to keep up with the changing face of business, its leaders need to be frequently evaluating their company hiring practices to recruit, attract and retain the right employees for the job. This can take a lot of time strategizing that CEOs may not always have to spare while running a business. For support in uncovering otherwise overlooked areas to maximize advantages in hiring, leaders should turn to their boards to guide them.

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  • How Your Board Should Guide Your Hiring Practices


    For a company to keep up with the changing face of business, its leaders need to be frequently evaluating their company hiring practices to recruit, attract and retain the right employees for the job. This can take a lot of time strategizing that CEOs may not always have to spare while running a business. For support in uncovering otherwise overlooked areas to maximize advantages in hiring, leaders should turn to their boards to guide them.

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  • How To Build A Board Of Advisors For Company Success


    As an entrepreneur, it's hard to see past your own issues or your own company, let alone think outside of your own creative box. People often turn to counselors or advisors for an outside perspective, support and advice when they need to get out of their own heads. For a company, a board of advisors can provide those insights and outlets. If you prioritize building a board based on the qualities you need to achieve new heights, your company has a better chance of performing well at those levels.

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  • The Great Resignation: What board members need to know


    In early 2021, experts predicted the “Great Resignation” was coming. After hitting record highs of 4.4 million resignations in September 2021, the wave of people leaving their jobs has since shown little sign of slowing down. That rate maintained near stability through January 2022, when another 4.3 million people quit.

    From inflexible working conditions to COVID-19 burnout, resignation has swept America, and even C-level executives are walking away from their roles. For some, the…

    In early 2021, experts predicted the “Great Resignation” was coming. After hitting record highs of 4.4 million resignations in September 2021, the wave of people leaving their jobs has since shown little sign of slowing down. That rate maintained near stability through January 2022, when another 4.3 million people quit.

    From inflexible working conditions to COVID-19 burnout, resignation has swept America, and even C-level executives are walking away from their roles. For some, the pandemic gave them a taste of remote work and they realized how much they missed their family or were missed by them. Some were unhappy in their position and are now considering other ventures. Many businesses struggled, and the people sustaining them might have just wanted their lives back.

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  • These 4 Elements Are Key to Branding Your Business


    In today's world of rapid startup growth, branding your company is essential to stand out from your competitors and find success.Competition in business today is tough, yet more and more businesses are entering the arena than ever before. While many companies never make it through their first five years, some hit it big overnight. There’s a treasure trove of wealth to be made for those of us who know how to unlock it, but times have changed, and these are unprecedented business waters.

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  • The Best Employees Display These 6 Characteristics


    When I sat for a panel discussion to go over my expertise in the board space recently, one of the main topics revolved around identifying a quality outside board member. To me, this is an easy answer: The qualities that make a great board member are the same ones that would make a great employee.

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  • The No. 1 Predictor Of Company Success Is Your Board


    Putting a board together is more than bringing on members and assigning them the title “board of directors.” The structure of a board should be set up to see you succeed, and they should have access to all the necessary resources to guide them to that success.

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  • Good employees are consistent: Tips on fighting the Great Resignation


    In America, people are lucky enough to be able to choose their opportunities. From traditional office jobs to start-ups to freelancing, the options are always growing. This abundance of opportunities is the American Dream that draws immigrants like me to pursue success despite the challenges we might face in the process. But it also makes finding and retaining good employees more competitive.

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  • Here’s how leaders reduce their anxiety over public speaking


    I remember in school and all the way through college freezing up and feeling like I would never be good at public speaking. As I got older and gained confidence and authority, it became easier. The key for me is to stay transparent and treat every speaking engagement as a conversation. Try not to think about who is watching, how many people are watching, or how many will watch it in the future.

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  • How Small Businesses Drive The American Economy


    Just as enough tiny droplets of water slowly fill a bucket, the growth of small businesses fills the U.S. economy. Big corporations might get a lot of attention when it comes to creating jobs, but small businesses employ more people and are more resilient when times get tough. Before coming up with something innovative that propelled them into growth, all big businesses once started out small. Not only are small businesses driving the U.S. economy, but they also keep the American dream alive.

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  • Here’s how to maintain your ‘peak performance mode’ all week



    My days start at the gym early in the morning. This is where I go to spend time warming up and getting ready for the day. I get to be in a relaxed environment among friends. After the gym, my day is newly energized and I am ready to take on whatever comes my way.

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  • You Can Think Yourself Into the Person You Want to Be


    Not everyone is lucky enough to have a mentor — someone to turn to for help, direction, motivation and the next big steps in your life. I know because I was one of those unlucky people, but sometimes you have to make your own luck. Even if you find yourself without a mentor, you can still establish that same relationship with someone that might not be as real through the inspiration they left behind.

    What if you could turn to a roundtable of counselors that included powerful minds like…

    Not everyone is lucky enough to have a mentor — someone to turn to for help, direction, motivation and the next big steps in your life. I know because I was one of those unlucky people, but sometimes you have to make your own luck. Even if you find yourself without a mentor, you can still establish that same relationship with someone that might not be as real through the inspiration they left behind.

    What if you could turn to a roundtable of counselors that included powerful minds like Napoleon Hill, Augustine “Og” Mandino, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale and Orison Swett Marden? Imagine being able to call on any of history’s greatest success stories as mentors whenever you need help. Well, you can! They wrote everything down in their books with the very intent of having others find the answers they need.

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  • 13 ways introverted leaders can raise their voice in the spotlight


    Introverted team members often have great ideas and thoughts, but may keep them to themselves. To encourage them to share, make the meetings small in a one-on-one session or just a few people. When their ideas are shared and valuable, provide positive feedback to encourage them to continue speaking up over time.

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  • How to create a business mission that will drive you to success

    Fast Company

    When done properly, mission statements can do more than just tell people why your business exists. As any business encounters new phases of growth and the challenges that come with it, a clearly-defined mission can guide decision-making and establish an organizational culture that inspires and motivates employees. By sharing it and improving it over time, a mission can drive company success. Here’s how to get started...

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  • How to break the cycle of a bad (networking) habit

    Fast Company

    When I was young and went to a lot of networking events, I would often forget people’s names. This was embarrassing to me and didn’t look good to others. Over time, I worked on remembering names quickly and it made networking scenarios a lot more comfortable for me. Referring to people by name in the conversation really makes networking much easier and encourages deeper connections. – Martin Rowinski, Boardsi

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  • How publishing a book changed my view of personal branding


    For years, my closest friends encouraged me to write a book based on my life before and after coming to the United States and the struggles and challenges that shaped me into who I am today. They knew I shared my history selectively, but also knew it was a story worth telling. I always agreed, replying, “Yeah, one day.”

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  • Online Reputations: Balancing Personal And Professional In The Job Search


    Could you package up your best attributes and transpose them onto someone else? The question might sound strange, but that’s exactly what my company considered as we finalized the contract to sponsor a professional golfer. Beyond golf statistics, we wanted to pick the player who best matched our core beliefs, so we searched through the social media accounts and online presence of 15 candidates and narrowed it down to the one who appeared the most positive, family-focused and hard-working.

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  • 3 Ways to Stay Family-Focused in the Face of a Demanding Career


    A winning work-life balance is often seen as a lofty dream, but with some applied structure and discipline, it's not just possible, but instrumental in becoming your best self.

    By Martin Rowinski

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  • Here’s how to make key leadership meetings more meaningful


    Expert Panel Q & A: As business heads contemplate on industry trends and begin to look at what’s in store in their industry for 2022, now is the time to get executive leadership members on the calendar for some exciting brainstorming sessions that will keep the company ahead and move it in the right direction.

    Some simple and out-of-the-box thinking may spark more productive conversations, support smarter strategic planning, and get fellow colleagues excited about the collaborative…

    Expert Panel Q & A: As business heads contemplate on industry trends and begin to look at what’s in store in their industry for 2022, now is the time to get executive leadership members on the calendar for some exciting brainstorming sessions that will keep the company ahead and move it in the right direction.

    Some simple and out-of-the-box thinking may spark more productive conversations, support smarter strategic planning, and get fellow colleagues excited about the collaborative process in the year to come. That’s why 15 expert panelists from Fast Company Executive Board are sharing creative ideas to make a memorable impression at your forthcoming meetings that will provide the most value for all.

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  • 11 clear signs it’s time to walk away from a new offering


    Each company needs to establish goals behind every service and product. Keep a close eye on the ROI and key points, check on the marketing often, and make adjustments. If you don’t see the ROI moving up then you need to walk away from that specific product or service and start over. – Martin Rowinski, Boardsi

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  • 12 in-demand technical hires leaders want to make in 2022


    My company will be building out our developer team to provide support for current applications and the development of new add-ons to continue company growth. This team most likely will be remote and could very well be spread out internationally. We are focused on talent and skills more than location. – Martin Rowinski, Boardsi

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  • Thought Leadership: The Difference Between Business Maintenance And Success


    As technology expands our access to information, many executives are seeking to become the voice of that information through thought leadership. Being a thought leader takes dedication, patience, experience, strategy and education, but it also takes enough passion for your industry role to drive both the desire and willpower to try. It may take a lot of work to get there, but becoming a thought leader is the key to shifting your business from maintenance mode to a thriving success.

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  • To Become a Top Executive, Take Control of Your Personal Brand Today


    In today’s search-engine era, numerous search platforms make it easier than ever to find out all you could ever need to know about products, businesses or even personal information about senior-level executives. At the same time, with so much information out there, it can be easy to go unnoticed — which is why companies dedicate entire teams to branding their image, mission, vision and values. This branding helps grow their business.

    But when it comes to growing a career, personal…

    In today’s search-engine era, numerous search platforms make it easier than ever to find out all you could ever need to know about products, businesses or even personal information about senior-level executives. At the same time, with so much information out there, it can be easy to go unnoticed — which is why companies dedicate entire teams to branding their image, mission, vision and values. This branding helps grow their business.

    But when it comes to growing a career, personal branding is key.

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  • 13 important ways businesses can support nonprofits

    Fast Company

    The best thing business leaders can do is join the nonprofit organization as a board member—and be an active member, not merely a check-writing member. Find out what the organization is lacking and use your assets and skills to help them prosper, which, in turn, helps the community prosper.

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  • What Diversity Really Means

    Chief Executive

    Of course, you should be focused on racial, ethnic and gender diversity, but not exclusively—think, too, about disability, upbringing and experience.

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  • How Growing Up in a Communist Country Made Me the Leader I Am


    When life gets hard, work harder
    By the time I was 10, I’d witnessed five years of my parents struggling under that oppressive system. Times were always tense, and for many, quite unhappy. We worried about having enough to eat, and there were no gifts at birthdays or on Christmas. When I was about 7, I had to go to the store in the early morning to stand in line, and there were frequently adults fighting around me. At times, it was terrifying.

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  • For career success, consider throwing yourself in the deep end

    Fast Company

    Without jumping into the deep end, you can spend your life wading through the shallows. Failure is always a possibility, but so is success. It’s important to learn from our mistakes and adapt our plans, but without trying, how will you ever know how far out you can swim? Success lies in the risks and I, for one, am so glad that I took them.

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  • 16 common but bad habits every leader should avoid

    Fast Company

    One bad habit that I have witnessed over time is a lack of accountability: The habit of blaming everyone else and never taking responsibility is toxic in any organization. A leader’s role should be to protect those they lead and help them grow. Own it and be accountable. If someone makes a mistake, have a private, encouraging conversation that they can learn and grow from.

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  • Entrepreneurs share 9 companies with admirable DEI efforts

    Fast Company

    One company in the tech world that I love, enjoy, and admire is Slack. Diversity, engagement, and belonging are core to Slack’s values. Not only do they focus on hiring diverse talent, but once the employees are hired, they treat them with respect and support. Slack is focused on their employees’ future, providing continued education, introspection, opportunity, and growth

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  • Growing Pains: How to Turn Hard Times Into Periods of Immense Personal Growth


    Difficult times are often par for the course in business, but your response and approach to these hard times will determine whether they result in hardships or growth.

    By Martin Rowinski

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  • 15 ways a CEO can build a personal online reputation that boosts their business

    Fast Company

    I believe in transparency. So many times you see a leader talk the talk, but when you look at their social media and see what their life is like, it may not be in line with their company’s mission, vision, and values. This is why as a leader your personal mission, vision, and values need to be in sync with those of your business so that the way you live is also the way you work and talk to employees. – Martin Rowinski, Boardsi

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  • AI is monitoring your micro-expressions: Here’s how this benefits employers

    Fast Company

    AI can help employers choose better candidates, predict their behavior, and identify their motivation to work.

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  • The Corporate Matchmaker

    Ultimate Publishing House

    Every CEO needs a Board of Directors and a Board of Advisors to help them think clearly about important business decisions, but many challenges surface when we start thinking about how to assemble the perfect team. When challenges arise, people call in the Corporate Matchmaker, Martin Rowinski. Martin is the co-founder and CEO of Boardsi. He knows how to connect the right people to the advisory positions that drive epic business. His expertise is what businesses need! The unique and proven…

    Every CEO needs a Board of Directors and a Board of Advisors to help them think clearly about important business decisions, but many challenges surface when we start thinking about how to assemble the perfect team. When challenges arise, people call in the Corporate Matchmaker, Martin Rowinski. Martin is the co-founder and CEO of Boardsi. He knows how to connect the right people to the advisory positions that drive epic business. His expertise is what businesses need! The unique and proven strategies that Martin has cultivated in the Boardroom were formed throughout his life. He is a Polish immigrant who came to America without any command of the English language. As a child, he always found ways to not only catch up to the other children but move beyond to achieve his goals. Always learning...always growing. Along the way, he gained mastery in the commands of life that are required in a functioning and effective Boardroom. Today, he helps CEO's meet diverse and qualified people they need to cultivate a dynamic and innovative Board.

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  • The Importance Of Aligning Your Personal And Professional Mission Statements

    CEO Today

    Do You Have A Personal Mission Statement?
    I have found that it’s more likely you know your company’s mission than your personal one, which can prove to be a great shortcoming for your life. Most companies review their mission statements as often as possible to ensure that their business dealings are consistent with who they’ve said they want to be. Companies often share their mission statements – and, in my opinion, personal statements should be no different.

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  • Stop Moving the Goalposts: Do You Recognize Your Own Success?

    I am a firm believer in personal development. Regardless of the cards that life deals you, it’s really how you play them that determines your level of success. In my journey, I have found many personal development books to be really helpful, but none more so than those written by author and speaker Og Mandino.

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  • 5 Ways to Ensure You Have True Diversity Within Your Business


    Diversity is complex and not as simple as some people may think, but having true diversity will improve every aspect of your business.

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  • Hiring the Right Personality Matters, and AI Can Help

    It's important to find the right employees in order for your business to succeed. Here's how AI can help you find the perfect match.

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  • Purpose Beyond Profit: The Enduring Worth of Professional Values


    Elvis Presley once famously said, “Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave ’em all over everything you do.” Often, when there’s talk of values in the modern work context, many people’s eyes glaze over. Others even dismiss values as an antiquated buzzword or hyped-up “HR-speak.” So, the question is: Do values still matter – and why?

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  • Effective Advertising with SEP Connect


    The service we provide is to get you more business, with no upfront cost.
    What we do is relatively new technology. It's not Search Engine Optimization (SEO) .. It's Search Engine Placement (that's what SEP Connect stands for.) and we're the only company offering a service like this. We also give guaranteed results.
    We stand behind who we are and what we do with the promise of getting your business information seen by thousands of potential clients. Again, at no cost until we can prove…

    The service we provide is to get you more business, with no upfront cost.
    What we do is relatively new technology. It's not Search Engine Optimization (SEO) .. It's Search Engine Placement (that's what SEP Connect stands for.) and we're the only company offering a service like this. We also give guaranteed results.
    We stand behind who we are and what we do with the promise of getting your business information seen by thousands of potential clients. Again, at no cost until we can prove ourselves to earn your trust, and then your business.

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Honors & Awards

  • Inc Regionals - Rocky Mountain

    Inc Magazine

    Congratulations to Boardsi for securing the #11 spot on the 2024 Inc. Regionals: Rocky Mountain list, marking it as one of the fastest-growing private companies in America by region. This outstanding achievement underscores Boardsi's leadership and innovation within the executive recruitment space across Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado. Boardsi's dynamic growth and commitment to excellence demonstrate its pivotal role in shaping the future of how companies connect with elite…

    Congratulations to Boardsi for securing the #11 spot on the 2024 Inc. Regionals: Rocky Mountain list, marking it as one of the fastest-growing private companies in America by region. This outstanding achievement underscores Boardsi's leadership and innovation within the executive recruitment space across Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado. Boardsi's dynamic growth and commitment to excellence demonstrate its pivotal role in shaping the future of how companies connect with elite executive talent, reinforcing its position at the forefront of industry advancement.

  • Inc5000

    Inc. Magazine

  • Honorary Professor of the Academic Union, Oxford, UK

    The Academic Union

  • Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award

    The Marquis Who's Who Publications Board

    Recipients of the Marquis Who's Who Lifetime Achievement Award have excelled in their field for at least 20 years and are selected based on factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in a field.

  • Global Tech Pioneer in Leadership Recruitment

    Passion Vista

    Men Leaders to look up to 2022

  • World Leader Businessperson

    The Bizz Awards

    For being a successful leader who works in an innovative, knowledgeable, and systematic manner.

  • Inc Power Partners


    Boardsi awarded Inc. Power Partners 2022.


    The Marquis Who's Who

    Top Professionals: an honor reserved for Marquis listees who have achieved career longevity and demonstrated unwavering excellence in their chosen field.

  • FastCo Executive Board

    Fast Company Executive Board

  • Forbes Council Member


  • 30 Best Leaders to watch

    The Silicon Review

    For Executive Recruitment Leadership


  • English

    Full professional proficiency

  • Polish

    Professional working proficiency

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