InnoBlock Technology Limited

InnoBlock Technology Limited

Information Technology & Services

Disruptive Blockchain + AI Technology

About us

InnoBlock is a leading software development company providing innovative and reliable solutions to businesses of all sizes. With our team of experienced professionals, we offer a wide range of software products and services that optimize our customers’ operations and their sustainability goals. The three main domains we focus on are carbon credit trade, carbon management & reporting, and supply chain management.

Information Technology & Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Hong Kong
Privately Held


Employees at InnoBlock Technology Limited


  • 📢 Exciting news! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Carbon Accounting tool TT GREEN on the AWS Solution Library 🌍🌱   As pioneers in sustainability, we are proud to be the first company in North Asia to offer this one-stop solution under the Sustainability category. 🚀   TT GREEN empowers organizations to accurately measure, track, and manage their carbon emissions, paving the way for a greener future. With the global focus on climate change, this launch comes at a crucial time, providing businesses with the essential tools to assess their environmental impact and make informed decisions.   Key features include precise measurement, data tracking, analytics, compliance, reporting, and risk management. 📈 TT GREEN is also a licensed GRI reporting tool, member of PACT on Scope 3 data exchange.   Join us in celebrating this milestone achievement as we continue to drive sustainability in the region and beyond. 🌏🤝 Together, let's create a more sustainable future for generations to come. 🌱💡   Find us on the AWS Solution Library at:   #TTGREEN #CarbonAccounting #Sustainability #AWS #SolutionLibrary #NorthAsia #EnvironmentalManagement #ClimateAction

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    View profile for Kevin Ng

    CEO at InnoBlock Technology Limited

    It is an honor to participate in the HKDAS Hong Kong Digital Asset Society event, where we have the opportunity to share our industry knowledge with emerging talent. As we strive for a more sustainable future, it's essential to cultivate expertise in the sustainability industry, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow for the next generation

    With great delight, we extend our utmost appreciation to our esteemed speakers, Prof. Pascal Vuichard and Mr. Kevin Ng, for graciously sharing their invaluable insights. Our event delved into the realms of #ESG, #compliance, #sustainabledevelopment, and the latest industry trends, paving the way for a brighter and greener future. Prof. Vuichard shed light on the profound significance of ESG development for corporations, while Mr. Ng exemplified how we can embrace the evolving dynamics of Global ESG standards. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the enthusiastic students and members who actively participated and contributed to the engaging discussions. As we continue to collectively explore the frontiers of technology, stay tuned for more exciting events on the horizon! #fintech #trailblazers #hkdas #ESG #Sustainability #entrepreneurship

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  • InnoBlock Technology Limited reposted this

    View profile for Kevin Ng

    CEO at InnoBlock Technology Limited

    As a distinguished guest speaker for PolyU's "MSc Programme in Sustainable Technology for Carbon Neutrality," I am privileged to impart my insights on the Carbon Credit Market and trading to students. Contributing to Hong Kong's emergence as a comprehensive international voluntary carbon marketplace, I aim to bridge capital and resources with climate-related opportunities across Hong Kong, Mainland China, Asia, and beyond. Nurturing talent in the Carbon Credit Market is crucial for our future, and I am dedicated to sharing my experiences with these students to inspire and shape the next generation.

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  • Media Interview by Sing Tao Newspaper 星島日報 InnoBlock:ESG披露新規對企業挑戰大 港交所將在2025年起,要求上市公司的ESG報告擴大氣候相關披露要求及評估對業績影響。從事碳信用交易及ESG報告支援的初企「創新鏈科技」(InnoBlock)首席執行官吳創文(圓圖)表示,新規涉及「範圍三」排放評估,對企業有很大挑戰,其平台將於今年更新標準,以符合聯交所的要求來吸納客戶,對今年碳信用前景樂觀,預計碳交易業務可增長一倍。 吳創文表示,企業在ESG報告編製關於「範圍三」排放(即涵蓋產品或服務的上下游價值鏈)的工作存在很大困難,因為當業務涉及不同地區或行業,皆有指定標準。他又稱,該公司近年已靠「範圍三」支援做賣點,包括與核數師及顧問公司合作,並提供多個範本,尋求業務增長機會。 料碳交易業務今年倍增 InnoBlock主要經營軟件即服務(SaaS)碳管理平台TT GREEN,服務包括碳信用交易、碳管理及報告、綠色金融支援等。 全球推動碳中和之下,過去1年碳市場卻吹淡風,歐洲碳信用價格累跌近一半。吳創文解釋,當中主要由於疫後碳信用供應大增,而且質素亦較參差所致。 不過,隨歐盟收緊碳信用評級後,相信今年價格有望走出低谷。他指出,TT GREEN的碳信用交易業務在過去一年主要集中宣傳工作,目前在業界已有知名度,預計今年生意可以增長一倍,整體業務期望錄得收支平衡。 InnoBlock目前主要客戶為香港企業,吳創文稱,今年或會再度融資,尋求環球資金,以打入歐洲等海外市場。 今年或再融資攻海外市場 InnoBlock早前隨科技園代表團赴杜拜,出席第28屆聯合國氣候變化大會,吳透露獲南非碳交易所有意接入至InnoBlock系統,連同本身已支援香港、英國及新加坡的碳市場,相信幾乎覆蓋全球主要碳交易活動。 Please visit the link below for the full article #esg #sustainabilityreporting #esgreporting #carboncredits

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