HEMPALTA™ processes industrial hemp at scale for diverse product development and leverages its value chain and knowledge to generate global carbon credit solutions. 

  • HEMPALTA is one of the only commercial-scale hemp processors in North America that manufactures high-value hemp products using a state-of-the-art process known as HempTrain™. This enables HEMPALTA to produce a diverse range of hemp-based, eco-friendly commercial and consumer products. 

  • HEMPALTA is also engaged in the hemp carbon credit market, employing highly precise technology for measuring carbon offsets. This approach maximizes the environmental advantages of hemp, aiding in our contribution to carbon offset initiatives. 

Hemp: Nature-Based Carbon Capture Storage System


Industrial Hemp is 100% biodegradable, recyclable, and reusable and can be used in over 25,000 products with advanced processing technology. 

Another benefit of industrial hemp is its ability to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) twice as effectively as forests, which means it plays a crucial role in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. 

In addition, industrial hemp possesses regenerative properties: It not only absorbs CO2 but also reintroduces it naturally into the soil, thereby regenerating it by enriching the soil with nutrients and aiding in the restoration of nature.

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The sequestration of CO2 from industrial hemp farms offers a renewable and scalable solution for carbon reduction. HEMPALTA is pioneering in Canada as the first company to introduce hemp carbon credits to the market through the implementation of a carbon credit incentive program. 

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