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Quint’s motto is ‘Connecting the Metaverse to the Real World’, unlocking unique value and visible benefits for its investors. The token’s utility is huge and real-world use cases are unique. We want to appeal to the 96% of the world that doesn"t currently investing in crypto to increase global adoption of crypto, deFi and blockchain technologies by offering mainstream investors the reliability, low risk and culture of delivery that they want.

In particular, we are creating the link between high crypto returns along with real-world rewards. We’re giving our backers perks and luxuries in real life. This is enabled through our revolutionary super-staking pools that offer real-world returns, rewards and perks as well as crypto compounding.

We have created not just a boutique NFT market place for like-minded connoisseurs where the bespoke NFT is delivered to the buyer in a physical Token Frame but a complete ecosystem for global communities which includes exclusive Metaverse Arts Club, the Quint Shop, revolutionary Super Staking Platform yielding real-world rewards, countless perks and breathtaking luxury raffle prizes. Many other elements of DeFi and GameFi are in our roadmap explained in Quint’s whitepaper (whitepaper.quint.io). 

    • 0.0365

      $ 0.0365
    • +0.00 %

      24h Change
    • 0.0365

      24h High
    • 0.0365

      24h Low
    • 0.0000(--)

      24h Volume
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