Man looking at phone with brand health data overlay


Know your customers for the first time.

Your customers are already signaling their next move - are you listening?

What consumers say and do is just the tip of the iceberg. Uncover the unconscious desires driving the wellness market. We leverage the power of social listening and in-depth surveys, powered by AI, to give you a complete picture.

Predict trends, target the right audience, and develop products that help them thrive.

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Trusted By Leading Brands

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Man looking at phone with brand health data overlay

Get unmatched visibility into who your consumers are or could be

Fusing Surveys with Social Listening for Deeper Insights

At Brightfield Group, we revolutionize consumer insights by seamlessly integrating survey data with advanced social listening. This unique methodology delivers a holistic view of the consumer in the wellness space, capturing both quantitative data and authentic consumer conversations. We offer these in a user-friendly platform, giving you a complete view of emerging trends.

Need States
Unlocking the "Why" Behind Consumer Behavior

Behind every trend is a need state. Brightfield makes it easy to uncover what need states consumers are prioritizing to inform your next innovation. Uncover the factors behind brand loyalty, preferences, and emotional connections. Learn how to cultivate a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience and highlights whitespace in the market.

What they’re saying, how, and what’s trending

Leverage our advanced predictive consumer insights and trend forecasting capabilities. Stay ahead of the competition by anticipating market movements and consumer demands with our sophisticated tools.

Scope and forecast at regional and national levels

Stay ahead with comprehensive insights on regional and national market landscapes. Make informed decisions backed by accurate forecasting and market analysis. Identify emerging trends, topics, and influencers within your industry quickly and with confidence.


Next-Level Consumer Insights

Go beyond purchases to connect authentically and understand passions, motivations, and opinions to find what’s next in your industry.

Understand Your Customers

We leverage in-depth quarterly consumer surveys to explore consumer profiles, attitudes, and behaviors. To gain deeper insights, our survey respondents also opt-in to share their social media handles, allowing us to access their passions, personalities, lifestyles, and influences.

By combining survey respondents' self-reported data with their social media activity, we can provide an unprecedented level of insight into your target customer segments.

Listen to Market Chatter

By monitoring and analyzing social media conversations, we capture the organic interactions, opinions, and sentiments that shape the customer experience.

Social media is more than just a collection of data points. It's where people come together to share their thoughts, experiences, and desires. You can explore the subtleties and nuances of these conversations, for a richer, more comprehensive view of your target audience.

Trend Prediction & Validation

Explore real-time social media conversations to identify and forecast emerging trends before they become mainstream. Combining survey data and social media insights, you can validate your hypotheses and find the human factors behind market movements.

Our platform fuses multiple methodologies, technologies, and data sets to eliminate bias and fill in the gaps left by other market research approaches. This inherently forward-looking perspective keeps you ahead of the competition.

Accessible Ecosystem

Navigate the Consumer Ecosystem from any angle that matters to you - customer segment, product attribute, need state, and more. Discover the connections and impacts between different elements, opening possibilities for expansion and growth.

We seamlessly connect data sources using the same core dimensions and presentation, resulting in an easily digestible understanding of your current and potential consumers.

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Uncover the motivation in consumer data


We're masters of nuance in the cannabis market.

Consumer ≠ Purchaser

Get the data you need to build authentic customer relationships. We collect detailed consumer data integrated with a deeper read into social presence. Identify target personas, understand product usage, and identify unmet market needs with confidence.

Grey Markets

If someone develops a product to compete with McDonald's, they don't have to worry about a shadow market for chicken nuggets. Cannabis companies aren't so lucky. Their biggest competitor is an invisible underground economy few data sets can reach. Grey markets are invisible consumers to most datasets, but Brightfield's consumer data includes all consumers, even the ones shopping underground.

Small plastic toy hockey player with full-size puck

Spot the next trend with multidimensional data.

consumer analytics platform

Get the data you need to build authentic customer relationships. We collect detailed consumer data integrated with a deeper read into social presence. Identify target personas, understand product usage, and identify unmet market needs with confidence.

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Effective performance monitoring in emerging markets requires a view from the consumer lens. Our syndicated Brand Health tracker sets you up for growth by empowering your team with insights that help build a marketing scorecard, perfect messaging, and benchmark performance versus competitors.

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Our survey panel participants have given us access to their social media profiles so you can combine our deep survey data with social media insights for unmatched visibility into your customers. With this privileged access, you'll gain a deep understanding of your customers, their preferences, and how they communicate.

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We audit the digital menus of thousands of dispensaries around the United States to give you an up-to-date view of the products available on shelf, with added social media insights to provide color into the real-world consumer reactions to product trends and launches.

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Take a deep dive into market features and trends, with sizing and 5-year forecasts by product type and distribution channel.​ Read the competitive landscape with product trends and innovations and detailed company profiles. We offer a view across the US, Europe, LaAm, and the Asian Pacific region.

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Find the ideal market, field test your ideas, and develop long-term relationships with your customers with a bespoke approach. Emerging markets move quickly. Leverage our custom research and reporting for quick clarity at every stage of product development.

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Empower your entire team with applicable insights.

marketing insights

Inform marketing content and target core consumers, leveraging need states that drives them to purchase.

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strategy insights

Allocate budget based on current, real-world market activity to optimize revenue and insulate yourself from market volatility.

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Develop products for a waiting audience to expand your share of wallet and capture new consumer segments.

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innovation insights

Pitch with confidence using investor pitches and sell decks that make compelling arguments driven by multidimensional data

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finance and sales insights

Limiting the Infinite

You worked hard. You were smart, stayed attuned to your market, and beat the odds. And success! You're on shelf. So what's next?

Anything. Literally. Anything.

There are a million different vectors to follow from here, and most of them are wrong. And when they're wrong, they're expensive. You have a hunch. Okay, hunches. Dozens, actually.

If there were only a way to validate your intuition. Well, now there is.

When you’re extending products for your existing consumers or finding new consumers for a whole new line, you need to track the trends that matter. Stay focused. Old data tell you about yesterday's consumer. You're selling to today's.

Small plastic toy hockey player with full-size puck
Data and Insights Trusted by Top Publications
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Let's Get Started.​

Complete the form to speak with our sales team to see how Brightfield can help your team leverage forward-looking consumer and market data to propel your sales pipeline.​