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Asset info

VNX gold is a multichain token, representing your direct ownership of physical gold, certified by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). Each bar is stamped with its own serial number and linked to VNX Gold tokens, which you can buy, sell or transfer at your convenience.

Why VNX Gold?
Since VNX Gold tokens are linked to actual gold bars, they offer the same benefits as gold itself: store of value, protection against volatility and inflation, as well as high liquidity – all with complete digital convenience and freedom. The gold is physically stored in a segregated storage in a high-security vault in Liechtenstein – a country with a stable economy and the highest S&P AAA rating, which is also a member of EEA.

    • 74.9553

      $ 0.00000000
    • -1.45 %

      24h Change
    • 76.0589

      24h High
    • 73.9131

      24h Low
    • 105.566K(--)

      24h Volume
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