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Destiny World

Destiny World

Connecting Technology and People


Destiny World is based upon a simple idea of connecting people and technology at multiple levels, combining trends and reusing what is already developed and working.

We strongly believe that all this put together in a simple user experience will generate the trajectory and network effect that is so important for success.

The last years we have seen an increasing interest in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

The quest for wealth is not longer something that requires a Ph.D

or knowledge of how to operate intrigue computer systems. More

and more user friendly applications, games and use cases are developed and made available on various platforms. With

this comes the greed and with greed comes the scams and malicious behaviour.

One of our missions is to prove that what once was created and failed, can be something valuable.

We want to take the attraction it had for everyday people and develop this into a diversity of features, sustainability and [1] of the community that uses it.

To solve this puzzle, Destiny World will combine the following trends and technology into one User Experience.

And we will do so by combining these features across blockchains for better user adoption as we go mainstream.


Destiny World is designed using a known process called CI/CD.

It means that we are continuously developing new features and interconnecting these with our own and other protocols and dApps.

The ultimate goal is to one day deliver a complete release to a DAC and finally give the ownership to the blockchain and its communities.

We believe this is true decentralisation.

Destiny World will be released in multiple stages and the first stage is a Bid & Stake contract and user interface.

This is a combined DeFi funding component.

It is developed to create a monetary and intrinsic value of our utility token DECO.


Destiny World is developed in stages.

Each stage is modular, by that we mean that we are implementing openings for other dApps the ability to connect to each module and utilise the features we provide.

Since we are deploying in parallell on multiple blockchains, we also encourage other dApps to do the same and we believe this is a good path if the joint goal is to make this technology available for everyday people, mainstream and the best user experience.

All development will be transparent and open sourced shortly after it is deployed to mainnet.

The initial testing and prototyping is done on Telos testnet and the official test dApp is open for anyone to try out edge cases and try to break the platform.

Official testnet dApp: [16] https://trytelos.destinyworld.net


Destiny World has a strong belief in the power of ecosystems, communities and sustainability.

How often have we all witnessed various projects that was hyped up and then left, and how often have we witnesses the same projects re-hyped and again left.

We will recreate that attraction everyone had and boost it by inviting everyone to connect their dApps, protocols and systems into a huge ecosystem.

Only when we have the diversity of the entire society and the randomness of all these events and actions, we can truly state that we have developed a fair system for everyone.

The same mechanics are used in real life and the real network effect comes alive when we included all.

Tokenomics on the DeFi layer

  1. BID The Bid and Stake contract is deployed at Stage I and is a single module with various usecases. Based upon it's configurable parameters it can be used for Funding or DeFi Gamification. This entry layer of the Bid & Stake contract will release 1,000,000 DECO every day and these will be distributed on all the bidders regardless of the token used for bidding. During each individual cycle, the value of the bidding tokens referenced by USD will be added to the MPV - Minimum Protocol Value and used for reference to TPV and Market Values of DECO for arbitrage purposes. The TPV is calculated from the other end of the Stage II contract, based upon a target value of REES, our second token and will be fixed to make arbitrage valid. The concept is the same as for other DeFi protocols where one of the utility tokens has a fixed price in a Lending / Borrowing scenario. When the layer is fully developed, projects or dApps may whitelist their token and set individual configuration parameters through an MSIG - Multi Signature Group, solely for that singleton. Another interesting concept that will develop from this entry layer is the collateral value of multiple tokens backing up DECO, hence reducing the risk of Black Swan for later usecases for REES. Tokens that are whitelisted in this layer will automatically get access to various modules such as the Social Media module.

  2. STAKE The Stake contract is a place to earn interest in the form of DECO, referral bonuses and get some of those precious bid tokens back. Every 24h we cycle the previous id tokens amongst all stakeholders based upon your percentage of the total stake pool. You can stake in periods of 1-100 days and after 100 days, you are automatically moved out of the pool. If you exit earlier than you set up your stake, a penalty may occur. This is up to the owners of the stake pool. Penalties will remove some of your initial stake tokens, but not interest, bonus and dividends.

  3. MINE The mining contract is developed to mine a second token that is usually stable, whereas the utility token is developed to create usecases and governance. Our second token, and this is the token that will be connected with real life usecases and hard-tokens or stable coins, is REES. We will mint 10.000 REES over a period of 2 years. You need DECO in order to get REES. Your DECO will be burned, and this creates an elastic supply. If there is more DECO in the mining platform that required, the mining speed is still the same. If there is less DECO than required, the mining will be slower. The conversion rate is fixed, based upon future targets of our tokens. This contract can also be used for other projects if you are part of our deconomy, with your own attributes. You are free to exit any time and there is no penalty given. However, the longer you HODL your tokens, the higher chance of getting an NFT reward.


[7] Explain Like I'm 5, our high level document you can use to share, teach and learn about or ecosystem.

Distribution, Supply and Contracts

DECO - Destiny Token

  • Blockchain: Telos

  • Contract: destinytoken

  • Max Supply:

  • Symbol: DECO

REES - Rare Earth Elements

  • Blockchain: Telos

  • Contract: destinytoken

  • Max Supply: 30.000

  • Symbol: REES

Auction - Auction and Stake Platform

  • Blockchain: Telos

  • Contract: auctns.dstny, pldeco.dstny

Mining - Mining Platform

  • Blockchain: Telos

  • Contract: miness.dstny

NFT - NFT Platforms

  • Blockchain: Telos

  • Contract: marble.dstny, wsmrbl.dstny and market.dstny

10% of the Max Supply will be locked for Corpus, Marketing, Funding etc

1% DECO and 3.000 REES will be given as grants to founders to cover bootstrap funding

Funding from T-Starter will be used for professionalizing our website and security audits of our contracts.

Remains will be used to continuously develop new features and improvements and to rebalance liquidity pools if required.

Other Features

  • Telegram Bot for Sport and Bet games connected with DECO

  • Game Portal where Games, Bets and Crypto meets

  • NFT Trading Markets, where Destiny World is an agent for all digital art from Wayne Philip Sheppard


  • Heroku PaaS for running dApps and Automation Scripts with datacenters in EU

  • IBC for bridging tokens across blockchains

  • Telos Swaps for Market Making

  • AreaXNFT, OpenSea and Foundation for NFT

  • Fortis for fiat-onramp and payment technology

Governance, DOXX and SourceCode

Destiny World will be governed by the community using Telos Decide as our governance platform.

Currently the DAO of Destiny World has 3 founding members, 3 developers, 5 language group admins and 3 community representatives.

In order for a DWIP ( Destiny World Improvement Proposal ) or any other change to go be executed, there is a requirement of a 2/3 voting power.

Destiny World will also integrate with Telos Decide and use Decide Voter for opening up voting for DECO holders when these platforms are ready.

Governance Accounts are: destinysales, dao.dstny and destinyowner

The original founders was

  • [8] David Richard Martin CEO

  • [9] Filip Poverud CIO

Our sourcecode can be found at github and as soon as a new feature is deployed, it also goes opensource.

GitHub: [10] https://github.com/destinydevteam

Business Model

[11] Sales Deck in PDF format.

Build a credible product on Telos, then deploy horizontally to other blockchains.

Primarily Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum using Telos EVM.

Social Media

  • Telegram [19]

  • https://t.me/Dstnyworld (

  • Links to Hindi, Arab, Spanish, Portugese and French may be found in Main Group )

  • Medium [17] https://destinyworld.medium.com/

  • Twitter [18] https://twitter.com/Destiny_World


Destiny World has been mention in a non-paid article at CoinTelegraph[22] and had an AMA[21] with Telos Foundation and 1 PodCast with Telos Foundation.

Destiny World has partnered with Fortis another project running on Telos for fiat-onramps and payment systems as well as developing joint usecases for tangible financial instruments running the core features on blockchain technology.


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Citation Linklinkedin.com
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Citation Linktrytelos.destinyworld.netOfficial testnet dApp
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Citation Linkdestinyworld.medium.comOfficial Medium Account
Oct 17, 2021, 4:32 PM
Citation Linktwitter.comOfficial Twitter
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Citation Linkt.meEnglish
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